​ESB Networks & EirGrid Joint System Operator Programme Virtual Briefing Webinar

​Presentation slides from the ESB Networks & EirGrid Joint System Operator Programme Virtual Briefing Webinar which will have taken place on Friday 14th June. It provides an overview of how the system currently works and what the drivers for change to this system are. The target audience is industry stakeholders.

Wind Dispatch Tool Constraint Group Overview

Wind and solar generation is treated as priority dispatch (per SONI and EirGrid licences, SEM Committee decision SEM-11-062 and subsequent mods) however it is sometimes necessary to constrain or curtail its output to maintain system security. Constraints result from power flow limitations due to the topology and characteristics of the transmission network. Constraints are applied locally. Curtailment arises due to binding all-island system wide limits such as the System Non-Synchronous Penetration (SNSP) limit or minimum inertia levels. Curtailment is applied Al-lIsland.

Testing Tariff Rates for Calendar Year 2024

EirGrid and SONI (the TSOs) published a consultation paper on 21st July 2023 concerning the Testing Tariff for the upcoming calendar year, 1st January 2024 to 31st December 2024.The consultation period closed on 11th August 2023 with comments on the consultation paper received from two (2) respondents. Having reviewed the responses, the TSOs published a recommendation paper on 24th August proposing a number of recommendations to the Regulatory Authorities (the RAs) for their consideration and approval.

System Margins Outlook Report 11.09

The System Margins Outlook Report will be published every Monday and Friday, excluding bank holidays. The report will provide market participants with information on the anticipated availability of dispatchable generation capacity to meet peak demand each day over the week ahead; the average and lower confidence renewables forecast; and the availability of the East-West Interconnector and the Moyle Interconnector with Great Britain to support trades - should these be required to meet power system requirements when renewable and dispatchable generation are inadequate.

System Margins Outlook Report 04.09

The System Margins Outlook Report will be published every
Monday and Friday, excluding bank holidays. The report will
provide market participants with information on the
anticipated availability of dispatchable generation capacity
to meet peak demand each day over the week ahead; the
average and lower confidence renewables forecast; and the
availability of the East-West Interconnector and the Moyle
Interconnector with Great Britain to support trades - should
these be required to meet power system requirements when

System Margins Outlook Report 01.09

The System Margins Outlook Report will be published every
Monday and Friday, excluding bank holidays. The report will
provide market participants with information on the
anticipated availability of dispatchable generation capacity
to meet peak demand each day over the week ahead; the
average and lower confidence renewables forecast; and the
availability of the East-West Interconnector and the Moyle
Interconnector with Great Britain to support trades - should
these be required to meet power system requirements when