​DS3 System Services Tariff Consultation Workshop slides - April 2024

The SEM Committee consulted on the Phased Implementation Roadmap (PIR) for System Services Future Arrangements, during 2023, and on 8 December 2023 published its decision. As part of its decision the SEM Committee instructed EirGrid and SONI, in their respective capacities as Transmission System Operators (TSOs), to initiate a System Services Tariff review and consultation in Q1 2024. A web-based workshop session took place on Friday 19 April 2024 and slides are now available.

DS3 System Services Tariffs Consultation Document

The DS3 System Service arrangements came into being, on an interim basis in 2016, and on a fully regulated basis in 2018. At the time, the decision was made not to place a cap on the volume for which payments would be made and to apply a Temporary Scarcity Scalar (TSS) of 4.7 at times where System Non-Synchronous Penetration (SNSP) > 60%, increasing to 6.3 at times of SNSP > 70%. This approach was deemed prudent in order to reach our 2020 renewable goals by incentivising renewable and battery technologies on to the grid.