SOEF Markets – FASS – Volume Forecasting Methodology Consultation Paper

As part of the ongoing work to develop Future Arrangements for System Services, SONI and EirGrid have developed proposals for the design of the Day-Ahead System Services Auction (DASSA).

The TSOs have today published a consultation paper on the DASSA Volume Forecasting Methodology for the reserve services.

The consultation period is now open. Responses to the questions set out in this paper should be submitted through either the EirGrid or the SONI portal by 15 November 2024.

SOEF Markets – FASS – Product Review and Locational Methodology Recommendations Paper

EirGrid and SONI have today published a recommendations paper on the DASSA Product Review and Locational Methodology (FASS.14) which sets out the TSOs' final proposals for the products to be procured in the DASSA and has been submitted to the SEM Committee for consideration.

SOEF Markets - FASS - DASSA Design Recommendations Paper Final

This paper sets out the TSOs' recommendations for the design of the DASSA, which aims to establish a robust framework for the procurement of system services on a day-ahead basis. The design recommendations presented in this paper are subject to approval by the SEM Committee and are intended to align with the broader objectives of the System Services Future Arrangements initiative.

All-Island System Services Supplier Charge Consultation Paper

As part of the ongoing work to develop Future Arrangements for System Services, EirGrid and SONI have developed proposals for the implementation of the new All-Island System Services charge and invite stakeholder feedback on these proposals. These proposals are based on the High-Level Design set out by the SEM Committee (SEM-22-012) and are informed by the collaborative design undertaken with our partners AFRY and with regulatory engagement.