Major milestone reached in Grid West project EirGrid brings forward potential corridors for new transmission line

EirGrid (5 March 2013) published a significant report on the Grid West project, entitled the Stage 1 Report, and is now encouraging feedback and engagement from the public and communities in the west on the work which has been done to date.

THE GRID WEST PROJECT Lead Consultants stage one report Volume 3 Appendix 6.1 Route Corridor And Substation Site Identification And Description March 2013

The core process in delivering the Grid West project is the EirGrid Project Development & Consultation
Roadmap, (�the Roadmap1),� which identifies the key stages of project development and aligns this with
public and stakeholder consultation in order to ensure that the views of the public, stakeholders and all
other interested parties are heard. Plate 1-1 illustrates graphically the sequential Stages of this
Roadmap. EirGrid seeks to follow a structured framework of project development, which provides for a

THE GRID WEST PROJECT Lead Consultants stage one report Volume 3 Appendix 5.1 Report and feedback on second round of Public Consulatation March 2013

The second round of consultation on the Grid West project took place over a 4 week period from
August 21st to September 21st. This document sets out the approach to consultation, details of
how the project team engaged with the general public and relevant stakeholders and provides an
overview of feedback received over the course of the period of consultation.

THE GRID WEST PROJECT Lead Consultants stage one report Volume 3 Appendix 4.1 Report and feedback on first round of Public Consulatation March 2013

The first phase of public consultation on the Grid West project was launched on 4 May 2012 at the
National Museum of Ireland � Country Life, Turlough Park, County Mayo. A press release was
issued to local and national media (Annex 1.1) and an information brochure (No. 1) was published
and made available to the general public (Annex 1.2).

THE GRID WEST PROJECT Lead Consultants stage one report Volume 3 Appendix 3.3 Technical Report on Electromagnetic Fields March 2013

The West of Ireland and County Mayo in particular has significant potential for the development of
renewable generation, particularly wind and ocean energy (tidal/wave). EirGrid is planning to provide
infrastructure to connect 647MW of wind energy from a number of wind farm developments in County
Mayo, in the Bellacorick area. To accommodate these connections and as part of the EirGrid Grid25
strategy to develop the Irish electricity transmission system, EirGrid is planning a new electricity

THE GRID WEST PROJECT Guide to stage 1 Lead consultant's report

THE GRID WEST PROJECT The stage 1 Lead consultant's report is the output of the first stage of EirGrid project development and consultataion roadmap, information gathering. It presents the evaluation by EirGrids consultants of the technical and enviromental information gatheredby the project team to date.