Celtic Interconnector Newsletter Issue 6 - February 2025
Progress continued throughout the winter on the project, with 96% of the High Voltage Alternating Cable (HVAC) installation complete. Road reinstatement is continuing on the route, in cooperation with Cork County Council.
Laois Kilkenny Community Forum Meeting Minutes September 2024
Minutes from the September 2024 meeting of the Laois-Kilkenny Community Forum
Powering Up Fingal to East Meath Update February 2025
EirGrid is making plans to ensure we can continue to meet growing electricity demand in the rapidly developing areas of Fingal and East Meath. This will involve building new infrastructure to link the high-voltage transmission system with the lower-voltage distribution system that delivers electricity to homes and businesses.
Strategic Framework for Grid Development in the Eastern & Midlands Region
This Strategic Framework Document allows EirGrid’s current programme of grid development projects to be understood in a regional context, showing the interdependencies of the projects, challenges within the region and how grid development is part of the economic development of the region
Amuigh ón gCósta a Chumhachtú An Cósta Theas - Nuashonrú Tionscadail Samhain 2024
Is éard is aidhm le Plean Gníomhaithe an Rialtais ar son na hAeráide 2024 go bhfaighidh Éire 80% de riachtanais fuinnimh an stáit ó fhoinsí in-athnuaite fuinnimh. Is tionscadal é Amuigh ón gCósta a Chumhachtú - An Cósta Theas chun an bonneagar eangaí tarchurtha nua a thógáil a theastaíonn chun cumhacht a ghineann feirmeacha gaoithe amach ón gcósta a thabhairt isteach inár n-eangach náisiúnta.
Celtic Interconnector Nuachtlitir 5 - Samhain 2024
Le tionscadal an Idirnascaire Cheiltigh, cruthófar idirnasc leictreachais idir Éire agus an Fhrainc chun malartú leictreachais idir an dá thír a éascú. Déanfaidh an nasc an fostáisiún leictreachais atá ann faoi láthair i gCnoc Rátha (in oirthear Chorcaí) a cheangal leis an bhfostáisiún in La Martyre (Finistère, an Fhrainc). Cuirfidh sé le soláthar leictreachais níos inbhuanaithe agus níos seasmhaí agus an t-aon nasc díreach fuinnimh amháin idir Éire agus Ballstát den Aontas Eorpach á chur ar fáil aige.
Powering Up Offshore South Coast Industry Engagement Plan
The Industry Engagement Plan aims to provide clarity and timelines to potential Offshore Windfarm (OWF) Developers regarding EirGrid’s proposed engagement arrangements before, during, and after the ORESS Tonn Nua auction, as outlined in the CRU Decision Paper CRU20241243 (Grid Connection Pathway for Phase 2). This document is designed to facilitate collaborative efforts between OWF Developers and EirGrid in delivering the Project in Area A (Tonn Nua) of the SC-DMAP.
Celtic Interconnector Newsletter Issue 5 - November 2024
This newsletter will bring you up to date on the current works in Ireland and France, including steel works and cable installation, community benefit funding and other topics related to the successful delivery of this strategic energy project.
Powering Up Wicklow: Arklow 220 kV Station Redevelopment (Best Performing Option) Update October 2024
Powering Up Wicklow is a critical programme that will strengthen key electricity infrastructure in Wicklow and the surrounding areas, helping to make Ireland ‘renewable ready’. This programme will help deliver a consistent and reliable supply of electricity for Wicklow. Powering Up Wicklow requires the installation of a replacement transmission substation in Arklow, adjacent to an existing substation that is approaching end of life.