10 fast facts about EirGrid and the work we do

EirGrid is Ireland's TSO, which stands for 'Transmission System Operator'. We plan, manage and develop Ireland's high-voltage electricity grid for a sustainable future. This grid is connected to the lower voltage distribution system managed by ESB Networks, Ireland's Distribution System Operator (DSO), which supplies power directly to homes and business around the country. Here are some key facts about EirGrid.

Appropriate Assessment Screening Determination CP1182 Transformer Restoration Project [Exempted Development]

n accordance with Article 6(3) of the EU Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC) and Regulation 42(1) of the European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011 as amended (‘the Regulations’), EirGrid has undertaken Appropriate Assessment (AA) Screening to assess, in view of best scientific knowledge and the Conservation Objectives of relevant European sites, if the CP1182 Transformer Restoration Project [Exempted Development] (‘the Development’) individually or in-combination with other plans or projects will result in likely significant effects on a European site(s).

EirGrid plc Protected Disclosures Annual Report 2024

For the period 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024, EirGrid plc can confirm that it has established, maintained and operated internal and external reporting channels and procedures to allow for the making of disclosures and for follow-up of such disclosures. The associated procedures for the internal and external reporting channels are encapsulated within the company’s Protected Disclosures Policy, which is reviewed annually, approved by the Board of EirGrid plc and available to all workers.

CleanerGrid 2024-25 information brochure

We want to hear from third-level students with ideas of how the grid will need to change to allow for more renewable sources and less synchronous generation; including what policies will need to be in place, how the economy will be affected and how it will need to adapt, how technology can help achieve this goal, or any other relevant point of view. What’s in it for students: 1st prize: €6,000 2nd prize: €3,000 3rd prize: €1,000.