North-South 400kV Interconnection Development Preferred Project Solution Report July 2013

It is intended that the preferred line design identified in this report will provide the focus for on-going
landowner engagement, particularly in respect of the specific siting of structures on lands, as well as further
environmental survey, design and assessment, in consultation with prescribed bodies, other stakeholders
and members of the public.

North-South 400kV Interconnection Development Final Re-evaluation Report April 2013

EirGrid plc has undertaken a comprehensive re-evaluation of the North-South 400 kV Interconnection
Development Project. The re-evaluation process included a review of a previous application to An Bord
Plean�la for planning approval (of what was then referred to as the Meath-Tyrone 400 kV
Interconnection Development), in order to ascertain whether the scope, content, conclusions of, and
rationale for that previous application remain applicable for the purposes of informing and shaping a