DSO/TSO Multi-Year Plan 2024 - 2028

Collaboration between the transmission system operator (TSO) and distribution system operator (DSO) in Ireland is essential for a successful energy transition and long-term resilience of electricity supply. Since publication of our first DSO/TSO Multi- Year Plan in 2021, EirGrid and ESB Networks have worked in partnership to meet Ireland’s targets for renewable electricity and support the path to decarbonisation.

EirGrid Ex-Post Outturn Availability Connection Asset Maintenance Report for the 2023 Outage Season

The Single Electricity Market Committee (SEMC) decision SEM-15-071 “Process for the Calculation of Outturn Availability” was published on 29 September 2015. The decision applies to both transmission and distribution connected Centrally Dispatched Generating Units (CDGUs) and Controllable Power Park Modules (PPMs) (SEM Dispatchable and Controllable Generation Units) which are disconnected as a direct result of a transmission outage scheduled by the TSO. Outages on the distribution system are not related to the decision paper.

EirGrid Ex-Ante Outturn Availability Connection Asset Maintenance Plan for the 2024 Outage Season

The Single Electricity Market Committee (SEMC) decision SEM-15-071 “Process for the Calculation of Outturn Availability”, published on 29 September 2015, required that the TSOs establish a forum which will be responsible for publication of separate ex-ante outage plans for Northern Ireland and Ireland. The SEMC decision also required that the ex-ante outage plans for each outage season be sent to the RAs for review.