Millstreet Project Appendic Appendix D. Phase One Map Register and Mapping

This report is an Appendix Report (Appendix D) to the Phase One Lead Consultant�s Site and Corridor
Identification Report for a proposed 220/110 kV substation and associated transmission infrastructure near
Millstreet, County Cork and presents a register of maps used in this phase of the Project Roadmap.

Millstreet Project Appendic C Phase One - Description of Constraints Map Legend

This report is an Appendix Report (Appendix C) to the Phase One Lead Consultant�s Site and Corridor
Identification Report for a proposed 220/110 kV substation and associated transmission infrastructure near
Millstreet, County Cork and supports all project maps produced as part of the Millstreet project.

Millstreet Project Phase One Lead Consultant's Site and Corridor Identification Report November 2010

EirGrid has identified the need to develop a new 220/110 kV electrical substation in the vicinity of Millstreet,
County Cork. This is required to connect the existing transmission network in the area, specifically
comprising connection of the existing 110 kV substation at Garrow, County Kerry and the existing 220 kV
Clashavoon to Tarbert transmission line.