EirGrid Grid25 Initiatives 28th January 2014

This document cover 4 main topics 1. Conduct a comprehensive underground analysis for the Grid Link and Grid West projects.2. Implement a Community Gain Fund encompassing a fund for localities and one for residences located close to new pylons and stations. 3. Continue to monitor research developments and provide information on health and power lines. 4. Comprehensively address major issues arising such as tourism, agriculture and equine concerns.

Grid West project announces preferred corridor for high capacity power line

EirGrid announced the emerging preferred route corridor for the Grid West project. The chosen 1km wide corridor, which will accommodate a new power line, starts north west of Moygownagh, runs west of Ballina, east of Foxford and Swinford, south of Charlestown and Ballaghaderreen before linking into the existing Flagford substation, near Carrick-on-Shannon.

North-South 400kV Interconnection Development Preferred Project Solution Report July 2013

It is intended that the preferred line design identified in this report will provide the focus for on-going
landowner engagement, particularly in respect of the specific siting of structures on lands, as well as further
environmental survey, design and assessment, in consultation with prescribed bodies, other stakeholders
and members of the public.