DSO/TSO Multi-Year Plan 2025 - 2029

The Multi-Year Plan details the key tasks and milestones that we will be working towards between 2025 and 2029 under the following pillars: Whole of System Approach, Facilitating New Technology and System Services, Reducing Dispatch Down, and Secure Future Power System. The proposals outlined in this document include a detailed plan for 2025-2027 and a high-level plan for 2028 and 2029.

​EirGrid Market Operator Annual Compliance and Assurance Officer Report 2023

Condition 9(3) of EirGrid’s Market Operator Licence (the Licence) requires the licensee to report to the commission annually specifying the measures taken and the level of compliance to ensure that discriminatory conduct by it or its employees is prevented.

PR5 DSO/TSO Joint Incentive Multi- Year Plan 2025-2029 Call for Input Consultation Paper June 2024

The CRU “PR5 Regulatory Framework, Incentives and Reporting” Decision Paper (CRU/20/154), published in December 2020, introduced a regulatory incentive on joint TSO/DSO co-ordination. This incentive should ensure that EirGrid as the Transmission System Operator (TSO) and ESB Networks as the Distribution System Operator (DSO) can help each other in achieving their targets or delivering their plans. The incentive encourages and rewards TSO/DSO co-ordination and collaboration.

Generation Capacity Statement 2023–2032

The Generation Capacity Statement (GCS), which is published annually by EirGrid, examines the likely balance between electricity demand and supply during the years 2023 to 2032. You can find the accompanying GCS Data Workbook here: https://cms.eirgrid.ie/sites/default/files/publications/GCS-2023-2032-D…