All-Island Ten Year Transmission Forecast Statement 2018

The All-Island Ten Year Transmission Forecast Statement
(TYTFS) describes and presents technical network data such
as the network configuration, network parameters, generation
connections and power flows, and fault levels for future
network conditions. This enables the reader to carry out
their own network analysis if they wish. In addition, the
TYTFS outlines opportunities for demand and generation
connections in Ireland and Northern Ireland.
The TYTFS forms part of SONI’s and EirGrid’s statutory and
licence obligations.

Environmental Appraisal Report of the Transmission Development Plan 2018-2027

This Environmental Appraisal Report (EAR) has been prepared to ensure that the TDP 2018-2027 is in accordance with the provisions of the adopted Grid Implementation Plan 2017-2022 and associated Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA).

Transmission Development Plan 2018-2027 Public Consultation Report

The Consultation Report describes the consultation process. It also provides an overview of the submissions received and our responses to the issues raised. The ten submissions received as part of the public consultation are attached to the back of the Consultation Report.