Tionscadal Idirnasctha 400 kV Thuaidh-Theas Deireadh Fómhair 2023

Bhí an tionscadal seo ina ábhar do roinnt athbhreithnithe neamhspleácha agus tá aitheantas tugtha ag EirGrid don athbhreithniú is déanaí ar an Idirnascaire Thuaidh-Theas, a d’fhoilsigh an Rialtas. Glacann an t-athbhreithniú seo le torthaí tuarascálacha roimhe seo lena n-áirítear Coimisiún Saineolaithe 2018 a thug le fios gur cheart don Idirnascaire Thuaidh-Theas dul ar aghaidh mar a bhí beartaithe mar líne lasnairde. Toisc go bhfuil cead pleanála iomlán ag an tionscadal in Éirinn agus i dTuaisceart Éireann rachaidh sé ar aghaidh anois go dtí an chéad chéim eile den tionscadal.

North-South 400 kV Interconnection Project Update October 2023

This project has been the subject of a number of independent reviews and EirGrid has acknowledged the publication by the Government of the most recent review on the North-South Interconnector. This review accepts the findings of previous reports including the 2018 Expert Commission that indicated that the North-South Interconnector should proceed as planned as an overhead line.

East Meath-North Dublin Grid Upgrade Engagement Summary Report STEP 4 Emerging Best Performing Option

Between September and November 2022, a 12-week consultation period took place as part of Step 4 (Where exactly should we build?) of EirGrids public engagement on the East Meath–North Dublin Grid Upgrade. The consultation focused on four route options and sought local knowledge and feedback relating to how these options might affect local communities and other key stakeholders. Informed by the outputs of this consultation, the route referred to as the “Red Route” was identified as the preferred option i.e. the Emerging Best Performing Option (EBPO).

Laois Kilkenny Reinforcement Project Newsletter Autumn 2023

This update is for you as stakeholders, communities, landowners and members of the public interested in keeping up to date about the Laois Kilkenny Reinforcement Project. The project is progressing well and we want to keep you informed. We also want tell you about the work of the Community Forum and the 12 local projects awarded funding under the Community Benefit Fund in 2022. We hope that these awardees will provide ideas for the next round of funding.

Powering Up Dublin Step 4 Public Consultation Findings Report

This consultation findings report summarises feedback, responses and comments received relating to the first non-statutory public consultation on the first phase of the Powering Up Dublin (PUD) Project. The public consultation carried out by the EirGrid Public Engagement Team, ran for eight weeks between Tuesday 28 March and Tuesday 23 May 2023.

CP1000 Lanesboro-Mullingar 110 kV OHL Appropriate Assessment Screening Determination

In accordance with Article 6(3) of the EU Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC) and Regulation 42(1) of the European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011 as amended (‘The Regulations’), EirGrid has undertaken Appropriate Assessment (AA) screening to assess, in view of best scientific knowledge and the conservation objectives of relevant European sites, if the Site Investigation Works for CP1000 Lanesboro-Mullingar 110 kV OHL Co Longford and Roscommon (‘the development’) individually or in combination with other plans or projects would be likely to have a significant

East Meath - North Dublin Grid Upgrade Step 4B - Route Options and Evaluation Report

EirGrid follows a six-step approach when they develop and implement solutions to any identified transmission network problem. The process and timescale of the East Meath to North Dublin Grid Upgrade project (hereafter referred to as the Proposed Project) is shown in Figure A1-1 below. The Proposed Project is currently at Step 4 – Where exactly should we build? To help identify the best location for the project, Step 4 has been divided into two sub-steps: Step 4A and Step 4B. Step 4A was completed in March 2023 and further details are on the project website.