Environmental Appraisal Report of the Transmission Development Plan 2017-2027

The Environmental Appraisal Report has been prepared to ensure that the TDP 2017-2027 is in accordance with the provisions of the Strategic Environmental Objectives as detailed in the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for the Grid25 Implementation Programme (IP) 2011-2016.

Transmission Development Plan 2017-2027 Public Consultation Report

The Consultation Report describes the consultation process. It also provides an overview of the submissions received and our responses to the issues raised. The six submissions received as part of the public consultation are attached to the back of the Consultation Report.

Transmission Development Plan 2017-2027

The Transmission Development Plan (TDP) sets out the transmission projects we are developing or intending to develop for the period of the Plan. It also contains information about the needs and drivers of the projects. The projects are integral to ensuring an adequate transmission network is in place.
The TDP forms part of EirGrid’s statutory and licence obligations. It is approved by the CRU.